Course Delivery Options
Our Training Delivery Methods

Instructor-Led Training (ILT)

Remote Synchronous Training (RST)

Learning Management System
Remote Synchronous Training (RST)
The following list briefly outlines the standard RST training format.
• Students are welcomed to the course and invited to familiarize themselves with the teaching platform; namely, navigating the tools to communicate with the class, answer questions, and interact with the instructor.
• Students are invited to connect to the remote pristine environment where each student is logged into a machine of their own;
• In front of the instructor are separate monitors representing each student. The monitors are labeled with each student’s name, so it is easy to keep the training personal and the instructor can keep an eye on each student’s progress and walk through any hands-on exercises or hurdles the trainer may see the student having.
• Once the students are logged in, they can see the instructor teaching on one screen and their personal working environment on the other screen.
• Each student takes a turn introducing themselves through the Go To Training teleconference or VOIP audio functions.
• If the student cannot relay a question in the provided chat box, they also have the option of raising their hand to speak through the microphone.
• The classroom training now begins.
• During the student labs, the instructor can instantly see when a student is having trouble. In summary, RST courses provide optimal, remote learning with complete visualization and connectivity between and among the learners and the educator. The traditional classroom style is not going away, but we have adapted online learning to provide an awesome and effective experience!
Our RST courses can also be customized to fit your organizations’ specific needs.
It is important to note that the recommended environment for the best RST training experience requires a hands-free headset with a microphone and one of the following:
• Dual monitors—one for the student to work hands-on, and one for the student to watch the instructor.
• Two machines—one for the student to work hands-on, and another (perhaps a laptop) for the student to watch the instructor.
Instructor-Led Training (ILT)
Instructor-led training is delivered in lecture format, where our highly acclaimed instructors will present information live to the delegates in attendance, sharing experience and knowledge in the topics being taught. Our instructors deliver content in smaller groups, where they can interact more with the class and answer questions more concisely. Classes can be delivered in workshops, where learners get much more hands-on and the instructor plays more of a supervisory role, stepping in where they’re needed.
It’s also worth noting that instructor-led training isn’t restricted to the classroom. Many of our trainers will host webinars with their learners, allowing them to deliver their session remotely.
Private On-site training
We also provide Private On-site training, this program is designed for organizations that need forensic training but do not have a computer training laboratory or travel budget. Certified Spyder Forensics instructors will travel and conduct the training onsite at an organization, supplying all the necessary equipment (if required) and courseware.
This program is ideal for organizations who need to train a number of employees at the same time but
want to save costs on travel and not have personnel away from the office or home. Students will receive
the same high-quality instruction that they would at a Spyder Forensics training facility.
Learning Management System
Spyder Forensics is ahead of the curve when it comes to delivering content over the web by developing the Spyder Forensics Learning Management System (LMS) specifically designed to provide immediate training through any browser or hardware device. The LMS allows for interactive delivery of nearly all Spyder Forensics’ Training course material in an on-demand format. Students are assigned the appropriate course and module, or group of modules based on a learning path designed specifically for your needs, by role, by skill level, or simply by course content. Finally, a quick, accessible, and convenient way to get the training you need when you need it!