Spyder Forensics Cryptocurrency Investigator
32 Hours / 4 Days
This course will provide the student with the understanding of how to accomplish effective investigation of cryptocurrencies and users.

Primary Learning Modules
Agenda: The content of this unique course is not offered anywhere else. The course material is supported by real world examples and incidents. This is not a general lecture course. This course will provide the student with the understanding of how to accomplish effective investigation of cryptocurrencies and users. The course will allow Law enforcement to step up their investigative skills to meet the new challenges offered by the use of Cryptocurrencies by criminals in today online environment. The course will be a presentation and demonstration of the techniques. Students are encouraged to participate in all learning modules and exercises. The course is strictly restricted to Government and police as it contains new and innovative methodology and techniques.
This course includes the following:

The basics of cryptocurrency, what it is and how it works
Understand the fundamentals for law enforcement investigators to gain an understanding of what cryptocurrency is, how it works, and how it used. Understanding the basic differences of fiat, virtual and cryptocurrencies and understand the different types of alternative coins that exist.

How Darknet marketplaces and cryptocurrencies work together
Learn what the Darkweb is and how Darknets are commonly used by criminal enterprises to conduct illegal activity. Students will learn the types of crimes committed with cryptocurrency on the Darknet and how criminals use exchanges and other techniques to hide and to move assets.

Understand blockchain technology and how to spot illicit activity
Learn the basics of blockchain and its underlying technology. Explore blockchain technology and analytical tools available for investigators to investigating crypto crimes. Gain an understanding of how blockchains work and the pseudo-anonymous nature of cryptocurrency.

How crypto can be used in legitimate and illicit activities
Learn how the criminal element uses cryptocurrency and how to identify and track the evidence left behind. Learn investigative insights that are crucial to understanding how darknet marketplaces and cryptocurrencies work together and how they translate into the physical world.

Real-world investigation tactics and tools to analyze crypto crimes
Understand how the criminal element uses cryptocurrency and how to identify traces of evidence on the Internet and the Darknet. Student will learn through hands-on exercises the techniques required to further cryptocurrency investigations.

Tracing Crypto transactions
Learn how to trace the source of blockchain funds. How cryptocurrency user’s cryptocurrency and their transactions can be de-anonymized using blockchain tracing and forensic tools.

Hiding Crypto transactions
Learn the methods by which users of cryptocurrency attempt to enhance their anonymity through a trail of obfuscation. Understand the ongoing developments in the cryptocurrency protocols that are changing the environment and the methods investigators require to further an investigation.

Class Materials & Software
You will receive a student manual, lab exercises and other class-related material
Course Information
- 32hrs of Instruction
- Course Manual
- Practical Files
- Attendance Certificate
To get the most out of this class, you should:
- Have minimal experience
of forensic examinations.

Request the Syllabus
Contact Spyder Forensics for more details of the course.

Hosting Courses
If you are interested in hosting this, or any of our courses at your facility, contact us.