Applied Regular Expressions using PowerShell
8 Hours / 1-DayThis course will first introduce you to the RegEx language and apply the skills learnt across multiple data sets using Windows® PowerShell. This is a hands-on intensive course with multiple instructor led labs and student practicals, followed by a certification exam to demonstrate proficiently in building complex RegEx patterns and applications in PowerShell.

Introduction to Regular Expressions
- This module will introduce you to the applied use of the Regular Expressions across multiple platforms and demonstrate the powerful application usage this language offers in your daily examinations of data.

Creating Simple Expressions
During this module we will define the use of different command syntax’s in a pattern search to located data within data, the following commands will be explored:
Literal Characters
Meta Characters and their functions
Wildcard uses and pitfalls
Regular Expression Sets
Regular Expression Ranges
Use of Function Groups
Quantifiers and Repetitions

Exercises in RegEx pattern searching in PowerShell
- Applying the skills learnt in the previous modules, we will build and apply pattern searches across multiple data types using PowerShell

Certification Exam
- Final course exam using knowledge learnt in the previous exercises across an ISS log
Course Information
- 8hrs of Instruction
- Course Manual
- Practical Files
- Attendance Certificate
To get the most out of this class, you should:
- Have 6 months of experience in forensic examinations.

Request the Syllabus
Contact Spyder Forensics for more details of the course.

Hosting Courses
If you are interested in hosting this, or any of our courses at your facility, contact us.